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Do You Need a Nap?

The answer is yes, always yes. I regret that Kindergarten me did not take napping more seriously but adult me sure does.  One day about 8 years ago I came across a Facebook post by Tai Lopez in which he explained how taking an 18 minute nap everyday greatly improved his health and performance. It seemed like a crazy accusation but being a burnt out teacher with a 33 minute lunch period, I decided to give it a try. And he was right! In the years since, numerous studies have been done in regards to napping. During covid, it was determined that the combination of working from home and napping improved employee performance by more than 88%! And, as it...

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10 Skin Hydrating Foods to Eat Now

For years doctors and dermatologist alike have been telling us to drink more water. But have you actually tried it? Drinking to drink the recommended 8 glasses of 8 ounces of water in a day can feel like a full time job. And if you are doing any kind of intense exercise it is recommended to drink half your body weight in ounces of water. WHAT?! Dehydration is not cute especially when it comes to our skin. I hear all the time how "my skin is oily", "I have eczema", "my skin is itchy" and this has less to do with an inconsistent skincare routine than it does our diet. Yes, our diet! Our diet impacts our skin health and...

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Should I be Meditating?

A few years ago when a fellow co-worker inquired about my mindfulness practice I was a bit confused. "My what?" was my response.  But then she shared a youtube video with me of a guided meditation that changed my life. Meditation is a practice that involves focusing or clearing your mind using a combination of mental and physical techniques. Meditation has many benefits. Here are just a few: Gaining a new perspective on stressful situations Building skills to manage your stress Increasing self-awareness Focusing on the present Reducing negative emotions Increasing imagination and creativity Increasing patience and tolerance Lowering resting heart rate Lowering resting blood pressure Improving sleep quality Meditation is mind medicine and can produce a deep sense of relaxation...

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3 Ways Skin Care Improves Your Mental Health

For years we've been telling folks that focusing on your skincare will improve your entire life. Well now, we have the research to prove it. Here are three ways skincare can improve your mental health. 1. A Skincare Routine Provides Stability In a recent study published in the Lancet Psychiatry researches found that people with a less than consistent routine suffered from major depression, mood problems and were considered less happy. Humans needs stable, consistent and predictable routines in order to feel safe and well. Routines make us feel good and in control.   2. Pampering Your Skin Boosts Your Mood If you've ever had a facial then you know how much time and care an esthetician spends on your...

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How to Develop a Skincare Routine

After suffering with acne throughout my teenage years. I was determined to figure out how to care for my skin. I started to get more serious about my skincare and sought to educate myself on products, ingredients and techniques to achieve the clear skin I wanted. While everyone’s skin is unique. Here are a few tips for creating a skincare routine that works for you. 1.Get to Know Your Skin Because I experienced acne I was very conscious of my skin and how it behaved. This is not true of everyone. I knew when breakouts were coming, but not what to do to prevent them. I noticed that parts of my skin were oily especially in my forehead and nose...

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